Sunday, October 30, 2016

El color de la semana es VERDE

El color de la semana es verde (VAYR-day).

The color of the week is green.

For those who want to take it a step further, we recommend this great, short practice lesson in Spanish colors. It's also a good opportunity to watch someone pronouncing the words!

You can watch the first minute or two just to learn the colors and their pronunciation, or you can continue on to try out your new knowledge!

And for a Spanish brain break, we guarantee "Vamos, Bailemos Ya!" ("Shut Up and Dance With Me!") will get everyone on their feet dancing and singing in Spanish!

Monday, October 24, 2016

El color de la semana es AMARILLO

El color de la semana es amarillo.

The color of the week is yellow.

(Note the ll or double l.  It's pronounced like the y in yellow.)

We're so proud of our Claxton students who are earning prizes by mastering Spanish phrases and colors. They can now identify cosas rojas, azules, y amarillos.

Don't forget to keep practicing the days of the week:

lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes

and on the weekends: sábado y domingo.

To celebrate amarillo, enjoy the Spanish Gummybear Osito Amarillo!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Color of the Week is Azul

El color de la semana es azul.

The color of the week is blue.

Encourage your Claxton student to identify cosas azules (blue things) in your house and neighborhood. They can earn prizes for telling one of our Spanish speaking specialists that something at school is azul.

And who doesn't like a scene from the t.v. show Empire featuring the song "Lago Azul" (which some may recognize as the Spanish language version of the old Linda Ronstadt song "Blue Bayou")?

We're also doing a great job counting from uno to diez!

Monday, October 10, 2016

El color de la semana es rojo.

We're starting to learn our COLORS!

The color of the week is red.
El color de la semana es rojo.

Claxton students will have the opportunity to earn prizes by identifying cosas rojas (red items) to our Spanish-Speaking Specialists!

And, speaking of cosas rojas, who can resist a red gummy bear song en español?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

?Cual es la fecha?

?Cual es la fecha?

After several weeks of practicing, Claxton students are getting the hang of answering.

La fecha es el tres de octubre.
The date is October 3.

La fecha es el cuatro de octubre.
The date is October 4.
(It's also our Boosterthon kick-off!)

La fecha es el cinco de octubre.
The date is October 5.

La fecha es el séis de octubre.
The date is October 6.

La fecha es el siete de octubre.
The date is October 7.
(Early release!)

It's easy to rhyme when counting to six in Spanish:

Uno, dos, tres
Cuatro, cinco, séis

Try asking your Claxton student: ?Como te llamas? ("Coh-moh tay yah-mahs?") as well!