Thursday, November 5, 2015

Goldilocks y Los Tres Osos Are Visiting the Computer Lab

Spanish integration hasn't officially launched yet, but Goldilocks y los tres osos have been making an appearance in Computer Lab.

Some of our grades K-2 classrooms have had the fun of watching episodes of Salsa, an award-winning show for young learners of Spanish, produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting. Students were introduced to the show with the familiar story of "Goldilocks y Los Tres Osos" (or "Goldilocks and Three Bears").

The shows are entirely in Spanish, giving students an immersion experience. And they are designed to help students gain familiarity with particular words and phrases—for example, in the story of "Los Tres Osos," the emphasis is on the words grande (big) and pequeno/a (small).

Watch "Los Tres Osos" with your kids by clicking on this link. And check out all the episodes you can watch at home for more Spanish immersion.